(Picture of chindogu attached) NaME: David Bermea email: aachooo@hotmail.com age: 21 ocupation: university student (UDEM) country: mexico Chindogu name: ABSORGUANTE (ABSORGLOVE) ABSORGUANTE EXPLANATION: The ABSORGUANTE it’s a glove made of latex that contains in the inferior part of the hand an absorbent sponge. This glove is used at the time of eating any food or beverage. PROBLEMS THAT IT CAN SOLVE ØThe ABSORGUANTE permits the user clean any liquids in case it’s spill, it needs to put the hand above the liquid and the absorbent will survive immediately without leaving any trace. ØIt absorbs any remains of soup or beverage in the place, making it easy for cleaning. ØPermits the user take hot things without spilling its content, in the case, the content (even if its hot) will be absorbed by the glove. ØCleans residues or excesses of body lotion in the skin ØStimulates the muscles of the hand by squeezing the content. PROBLEMS THAT CAUSES ØThe ABSORGUANTE it’s uncomfortable for the user. ØBy using it for holding cups or recipients, these could slip right of your hands because with the sponge you can’t have the same grip. ØBecause that you have to squeeze it every time, it could cause Artritis or tendonitis ØIf the liquid is extremely hot, it can melt the latex and the plastic will stick to your hand ØAccumulates bacteria and odors that can cause infections. ØThe constant use of latex can cause fungus.
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